Company Hierarchy



Soft, malleable (hopefully) recruits. Probationary members.


  • Follow the rules,
  • Don’t cause drama.


The stock and body of Big Dango. Full-fledged mercenaries.


  • Continue to follow the rules,
  • Strive to be a good example.


Gigs who dedicate their time to Company crafting needs and projects.

Special Assignment

Gigs with special assignments have specific in or out of character responsibilities, such as managing guild assets and crafting needs, or DMing scenes.


  • Quartermaster Manages and maintains our ships, subs, and gardens; keeps the Company chest organized.
  • Guard Has “soft DM” rights in scenes, and is able to haul characters out if necessary.


Officers manage the day-to-day workings of the guild and facilitate member needs, including providing content for Gigs. They are responsible for the steadfast promotion of our Code of Conduct, resolution of conflicts, and maintaining the public image of the Company.


Sergeants are Junior Officers who provide general support to members and Senior Officers alike. Some may have specific assignments that go beyond the common expectations listed below.


  • Embody our Code of Conduct,
  • Offer help to members, or find someone who can,
  • Assist in organizing and running events,
  • Support the Officer Corps,
  • Attempt to resolve conflicts or elevate them up the chain of command.

Sergeant Kael’darra – Personnel Officer

  • Organizing RP events,
  • Running company drills & assisting with training activities,
  • Helping with creative activities,
  • Managing the DANGO Battle System.

Sergeant Flinth – Operations Officers

  • Organizing game content, such as PvE & PvP encounters,
  • Adopting the side role of Company Photographer.

Sergeant Yaga – Hyur Resources Officer

  • Promoting and facilitating Company RP,
  • Fostering greater ties with the FFXIV community.


Lieutenants manage and maintain logistics and upper level aspects of the guild, as well as provide general support to members and the Officer Corps. They show unparalleled dedication to DANGO and its success. Some may have specific assignments that go beyond the common expectations listed below.


  • Exemplify our Code of Conduct and exhibit an active presence, both in game and Discord,
  • Take initiative in helping members,
  • Assist in organizing and running events,
  • Support the Officer Corps,
  • Assist with management of our Discord server,
  • Resolve conflicts or escalate them to the Commander.

Lieutenant El’ire – Hyur Resources Officer

  • Promoting and facilitating Company RP,
  • Helping to process and assist recruits with lore,
  • Hosting venue tours.


The Commander oversees all guild operations and plots the course of DANGO. The buck stops with Gucci.


  • Company vision, direction & organization,
  • Event planning and coordination,
  • Moderation, conflict resolution & discipline,
  • Recruitment & marketing,
  • Community outreach & Outside Job management,
  • Discord server management,
  • Content provision,
  • General member assistance,
  • Support of the Officer Corps.


Company honors are given out to Gigs and officers alike for exhibiting excellent conduct, bringing in great numbers on the leaderboard, helping to recruit Mochi, and more. Some honors are more common and are granted automatically for having reached thresholds like being a member for a year, while others are only awarded on rare occasions for those who have truly earned them.

Veteran's Medal I

Given out to commemorate one year of Company membership.

Veteran's Medal II

Given out to commemorate two years of Company membership.

Veteran's Medal III

Given out to commemorate three years of Company membership.

Recruitment Ribbon I

Awarded for recruiting one Mochi who successfully makes it through probation.

Recruitment Ribbon II

Awarded for recruiting three Mochi who successfully make it through probation.

Recruitment Ribbon III

Awarded for recruiting five Mochi who successfully make it through probation.

Ricebowl I

Granted to those who accumulate 1000 total Rice on the Rice Token Leaderboard.

Ricebowl II

Granted to those who accumulate 3000 total Rice on the Rice Token Leaderboard.

Ricebowl III

Granted to those who accumulate 5000 total Rice on the Rice Token Leaderboard.

Dango at Heart

Awarded to our most steadfast Gigs. Present through thick and thin, these mercs always show up with a positive attitude, participate wherever they can, fill in when DANGO needs them, and never abandon their posts.

Skyward Medal

Awarded to those who exhibit outstanding dedication to The Company by taking on responsibilities beyond their post, committing extra time to our success, and routinely asking themselves 'what can I do for The Company?' rather than 'what can The Company do for me?'

Exemplar's Medal

Awarded to those who follow The Company's Code of Conduct to the letter and embody our values every day. Model mercs always strive to be good examples for their peers and demonstrate great dedication to our culture. They also know where to stand, when to salute, and what not to blow up.

Founder's Medal

Awarded to our very earliest members. These few helped to lay our foundation, and without their dedication to the Dango dream, we wouldn't be here today!

Gilded Gig Medal I

Awarded for attaining top earner and the title of Gilded Gig one time.

Gilded Gig Medal II

Awarded for attaining top earner and the title of Gilded Gig three times.

Gilded Gig Medal III

Awarded for attaining top earner and the title of Gilded Gig five times.